Thursday 26 August 2010

Illustrated Cufflinks

This project has developed from my recycled paper jewellery range. Where cufflinks have been used to encapsulate and display interesting paper items. Such as the use of tattered vintage maps and the reuse of unwanted comic book.

Click here to find out more about the illustrated cufflinks ....

Friday 20 August 2010

Skull Pendant Commission

I have been asked to make this skull into a pendant/ interesting object. After discussing the pendant idea with the client we decided to encapsulate the skull without using any colour. To make the skull look extra white I will be bleaching it's surface.

The shape of the encapsulation will be a rounded triangular shape. When the pendant is being worn the triangle shape will be longer than it is wide with a flat edge at the top moving down into a point.

The curves in the surface of the clear encapsulation will magnify the objects details and because the encapsulation is going to be entirely clear the wearer will be able to see every detail of the skull.

Another reason for making the encapsulation clear is so the pendant will be well suited to different outfits and because the skull is quite large it will make the pendant look and feel smaller.

Comic Book Cuflinks

Some comic book cufflinks that I have been working on..

Monday 16 August 2010

Migy & Peter Cufflink Combo

I'm teaming up with friend & illustrator Migy to create some characterful cufflinks ..

Click on the image too see more illustrations by Migy....

Look Ville

Do you recognise the map?

Click to see comments ....

Thursday 5 August 2010

Form Gallery Christmas Tree Decoration Exhibition 2010

Teasel Christmas Tree Decoration
Resin encapsulates the naturally striking shape of this teasel cross section. A natural look brought together with the beautiful matt finish.

Woodland Floor Christmas Tree Decoration
An intricate piece of Christmas Tree jewellery has been crafted by layering leaf skeletons with flashes of gold leaf and fully intact leaf structures.